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    justice & change in global world

    University: Australian catholic University

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 3 / Words 717
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: UNCC300:
    • Downloads: 102

    Justice & Change In Global World

    Opinion Editorial

    Environmental concerns have reached an all-time high according to research conducted by numerous scientists and analysts. When the safety and well-being of large populations are at stake, ensuring access to basic necessities becomes a priority for society. Among these essentials, food and clean water are fundamental for everyone. However, water contamination remains a major issue, and currently, a significant portion of the population lacks access to safe drinking water. Based on my research and data from reputable organizations focused on environmental protection, health, and safety, the gap between those who have access to quality food and clean water continues to widen (Al-Shabib, Mosilhey, and Husain, 2016).

    Quality of drinking water is one of the primary concerns in the United States, as it is mentioned as one of the sustainable development goals to ensure universal access to water and sanitation by 2030. Waterborne diseases are prevailing all over the world and it are killing nearly one million people every year. One of the most important cases for water contamination is exposure of chemical industry waste to water bodies. Water pollution leads to more and more amount of waterborne diseases and almost 10% of the general public leaves deprived of fresh water. More and more organisations and news papers in recent times is mentioning this water contamination and diseases arising from it as a primary issue that needs to be resolved. However, chemical pollution from diversity of sources affects future of general public and more and more research needs to be done for the same to improve quality of life. Several newspapers are taking their primary concern towards water contamination and it has been analysed that the environment is getting polluted and it is important to provide preservation at global level. 

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    Each individual in the society is aware regarding various issues that are faced at the national and global level, but still, the aspiration of the common good is lacking somewhere in professions like research associates and scientists (Ji et. al., 2016). A common issue is recorded: those who can make an effective analysis in relation to issues like contamination of food and water and various diseases that arise through this are not providing their focus on these issue. Personal growth level is termed the primary concern for these people and common good is lacking in the professional community. Still those who are in profession to work for social welfare, their aspiration for benefit of society as a whole is lacking. Personal goals and objectives has taken preference and due to this, social welfare is lacking. Professionals who are working in this area are involved in generating information on some new issues and factors that will take place in future and current situations are neglected. Views of various professionals provides support to an idea through which safe water and good food will be provided but to a particular group of society. At this stage, the common good is missing, as they think that no solution can be made for providing each and every individual with a healthy life, which is a human right for all.

    As more and more diseases are taking place to newborn babies and children below 5 years of age. The life of each individual on earth is dependent on food and water, and in order to have a good life with no disease, consumption of food and water must be safe and not involve any contamination in the future (Kumar et. al., 2016).

    In conclusion, it can be said that each professional must give their consideration for achieving the common good as a whole. Our small experience mentioned that health is an important part, and in order to maintain good health, Assignment Help and contamination to food and water need to be minimized. Together with this, it must be taken care that the steps taken to minimize these complications bring a good life for society as a whole and not just to a particular group.

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